吴琳,女,留英博士,山东大学스포츠 토토 모바일 제로应用会话分析研究所研究员,研究方向主要涉及庭审交际、医患沟通等社会交际互动领域。主讲课程:大学综合英语、英语视听说、英语演讲与辩论、研究生英语视听说,等等。
1) 2008年至今,山东大学스포츠 토토 모바일 제로讲师,主讲英语听说类课程 Shandong University (CHINA), Lecturer in Language Communication.
2) 2013~2018年,英国拉夫堡大学博士Loughborough University(UK),Doctor of Philosophy,其间师从国际会话分析领军人物Prof. Paul Drew。
3) 2010~2011年,新加坡国立教育学院语言教学项目教师NIE of Nanyang University (SINGAPORE), Training in Language Teaching.
4) 2006~2007年,英国爱丁堡大学应用语言学硕士 Edinburgh University(UK),MSc in Applied Linguistics,其间师从《牛津英汉双解联想词典》编者Prof. Hugh Trappes-Lomax。
1) 吴琳(2021)《研究生英语视听说教程》山东大学出版社,位次2。
2) 吴琳(2021)研究生智慧教学创新计划-研究生英语视听说项目,校级重点,在研,位次2。
3) Wu,L.(2018)The organization of Chinese primary care consultations in Chinese public hospitals中国公立医院初诊医患沟通的微观实证调查研究,拉夫堡大学博士论文。
4) Wu,L.(2017)Symptom assessment and patient resistance in primary care interactions in Chinese hospitals 公立医院初诊症状评估与患者阻抗言行, East Asia Pragmatics 2(2) 《东亚语用学(互动语言特刊)2(2)》,Sheffield: Equinox 出版。
5) Wu,L.(2018) Oxford Symposium on Doctor-Patient Relationship英国牛津大学医患关系专题研讨会学术报告。
6) Wu,L. (2017) The 6th CACE Conference in Bristol布里斯托大学国际第六届医患交际会话分析大会,会议学术报告。
7) Wu,L.(2016) 伦敦St Bartholomew’s Hospital诊断决策和治疗建议医患交际专题会,会议学术报告。
8) Wu,L.(2015) Multimodal Interactions Conference in Lyon France法国里昂多模态互动交际大会,会议学术报告。
9) Wu,L.(2015) The 5th CACE Conference in Loughborough拉夫堡大学国际第五届医患交际会话分析大会,会议学术报告。
10) Wu,L.(2007) Presenting Compassionate Conservatism in PMQ Genre: David Cameron's Questioning Performance in the Staged Verbal Duel with Tony Blair 首相问答体裁的新保守主义:卡梅伦对布莱尔辩论角逐的话语研究,爱丁堡大学硕士论文。
11) 吴琳(2010)获山东大学校级讲课比赛二等奖。
12) 吴琳(2009)获山东大学校级讲课比赛一等奖。
Dr. Lin Wu is a lecturer of English Public Speech and Debate Course,Postgraduate English Listening and Speaking Course in the School of Foreign Languages, Shandong University (Qingdao). She did her doctoral research on Conversation Analysis in Loughborough University of England in 2018. Her PhD thesis is on the organization of primary care consultations in Chinese public hospitals. Before that, She completed her MSc research in Applied Linguistics in Edinburgh University of Scotland in 2016. Her interests lie in institutional communication studies, such as, doctor-patient interaction, courtroom interaction, as well as teaching Oral English Communication.
Email: 200894000055@sdu.edu.cn